DTES Small Arts Grants 10th Anniversary Website

Roberta Sciarretta


Received grants in 2018, 2019 and 2020

I am a photo-based artist born in Milan, Italy and immigrated with my family to Vancouver as a child. Working at the intersections of documentary and social practice, I am often compelled to address pressing social, economic and political realities, locally and globally. The investigation of forms of social gathering, resistance and mobilization as modes of public display and empowerment are of particular interest. The creation of a historical record and archive is a strong component of my work. Themes that often emerge in my work are cultural identity, displacement, integration and spiritual renewal.

How has receiving a DTES Small Arts Grant supported your development as an artist?

Receiving the grant has given me confidence to continue my work and know that a committee believes in it’s importance. Additionally, it provides a focus and deadline to create a specific project.

How has DTES Small Arts Grants helped DTES artists?

The financial & workshop assistance really makes it all possible to continue my work as an artist, without that it would make it incredibly challenging.

How has DTES Small Arts Grants impacted the community?

I aspire to bare witness & create an archive of the issues and forces that impact this community and hope that my work provides an inspiration and document of those forces at play. Some are positive and some very challenging. I am committed to highlighting & celebrating the beauty as well.
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